Ответ @verka_nalivko | Спрашивай.ру


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Ответ @verka_nalivko

Your profile is fantastic! What can i do to be friend with you , if you agree send me about you , if you agree send me about you, if you bad in English , you can using translation program in Google
Thank you, very nice)
for that to talk to me you need to start to write with your profile, and not anonymously)
аноним, 26 июл 2013 в 4:55
от анонима
how can i do that
26 июл 2013 в 5:061374800761
do you find my profile?
26 июл 2013 в 5:081374800929
unless you are not registered yet?
26 июл 2013 в 5:091374800966
от анонима
no i am registered and have profile
26 июл 2013 в 5:131374801235
I am very sorry for you for the inadvertent error?What would you like to know about me
27 июл 2013 в 16:311374928263
27 июл 2013 в 19:221374938551