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Чего вам хочется прямо сейчас?
мороженого и заграницу. London or New York would be nice)
25 мар 2015 в 13:481427280539 на вопрос дня
Кто умнее: мужчины или женщины?
Who is cleverer: men or wemen?
It doesn't depend on male of person. Thoughts, aims, actions, attitude to life and people are all really important thigs, demonstrating your brain quality. It doesn't care, men or women.are you.
23 мар 2015 в 19:341427128489 на вопрос дня
Как побороть свои страхи?
How to fight fears?
It's a complicated question. I believe, a person has to deal wth it face to face. And person should be strong willed, because it is a task not from flimsy one.
19 мар 2015 в 12:021426755754 на вопрос дня
Как легко просыпаться по утрам?
Is it easy to wake up in the mornings?
It depends on morning hours, whem you start a day. As for me it's usually 10 a.m. And it's convinient, I haven't any difficulties to stand up from my bed. But I can't wake up at 6 o'clock. It's really uneasy.
12 мар 2015 в 12:021426150958 на вопрос дня
Сколько времени вы проводите в сети Интернет?
How many time do you spend on the Internet?
I spend all my time on the Internet actually, because my internet vocabluary is here, and I translate something at every turn. Besides, my email, my English Courses, favourite serials and films that I do like to watch, books that I read are all in the Internet.
I believe, the Internet has become an integral part of people life.
11 мар 2015 в 11:181426061932 на вопрос дня
Что бы вы написали на запотевшем стекле?
What would you write on the misted glass?
I would write "Don't worry, be happy" and draw a smile in the corner))
10 мар 2015 в 22:451426016727 на вопрос дня
Какие подарки любят получать женщины?
What gifts do women like to give?
I'm sure, all women without acception like attention) Because it's enough to feel happiness and be loved.
8 мар 2015 в 23:531425847992 на вопрос дня
На каком музыкальном инструменте вы бы хотели научиться играть? Почему?
What kind of musical instrument would you want to play? why?
I would like to learn plaing the piano or guitar, because it sound charming. I melt when hear spellbinding melody of these instruments.I can listen it enternally))
6 мар 2015 в 13:261425637608 на вопрос дня
Как вы встречаете весну?
How do you treat the spring?
I meet the spring with grave and scornful mood(( Because I've watched the final episode of my lovely russian serial "Не родись красивой". It's a marvelous love fairytale! And now, when I rewatched it to the end and crying a lot of course, I'm getting upset all the time( The sky is grey and my private life has the same colour...Don't want to joy now
2 мар 2015 в 0:171425244636 на вопрос дня
Какого цвета этот вопрос дня?
It's weird question. It's dark blue, if without any imagination)
1 мар 2015 в 22:561425239796 на вопрос дня
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