ikaros90 | Спрашивай.ру


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Ответы пользователя81
Какой комедийный сериал вам нравится больше всего?
30 мар 2015 в 20:401427737213 на вопрос дня
Чего вы ждёте?
Тупого вопроса! Кстати, вот он. Всем спасибо, всем пока.
28 мар 2015 в 1:511427496672 на вопрос дня
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Well.. questions are the point of this website, so I wanted to give you some. Plus, if I give you questions elsewhere, they may just get lost in the sea of all spam I send you.. Sorry?
I just don't check this web site so often
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Top 3 Disney songs go
Why do you even bother this web site? I don't know, I don't have favourites.
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How sexy are you? A) Too sexy for my shirt B) A little sexy C) I'm okay D) Not sexy at all -- This was an actual question the teacher asked us in my human sexuality class. Good times. I chose C for myself.
E) So sexy it hurts.
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Я хочу другую фамилию. Какая фамилия хорошо звучит с моим именем? (Это звучит как Eminem!) Русалка, пожалуй?
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If you could have tea with a dead person - resurrected, or a fictional character, which one would you chose, and who would it be :3?
Tolkien, pretty obviously.
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Which instrument would you most like to know how to play?
Synthisizer atm
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Which languages do you know, and which would you like to learn?
I know English (who could've thought!) and I want to learn Japanese and probably a couple of Europe languages like French (as if) and probably spanish... I don't know.
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What's the most thoughtful thing you've ever done for someone?
I don't know. Probably when I bought star map for my dad.
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